



氏名 中学校名 学年
外嶋 小乃実、藤原 七星 西ノ岡 1年
森本 沙妃 勝山 2年
金内 まこ 勝山 3年



氏名 中学校名 学年
山岸 明日香、柳瀬 優乃 寺戸 1年
坂下 菜々美 勝山 2年
五十棲 直子 勝山 3年



氏名 中学校名 学年
神野 しずく、番 尚美 勝山 1年
豊岡 佳歩 寺戸 2年
小島 千昌 勝山 3年



The Lie Detector(うそ発見機)」外嶋 小乃実、藤原 七星(西ノ岡中学1年生)

(写真)外嶋 小乃実、藤原 七星(西ノ岡中学1年生)

Dr.: Hello, everyone. I'm Fujihara, the Dr. Fujihara. But people call me Dr. Stupid. What a pity!
A: Oh, nice to see you again, Dr. Stu…, no Dr. Fujihara.
Dr.: Oh, hello, Mr. Toshima, my assistant. How have you been?
A: I'm very well, thank you. How are you? Oh, how's your invention these days?
Dr.: Do you want to know it? OK. Look at this. This is a lie detector.
A: A lie detector? It must be a rubbish again. It reminds me of your last invention, the time machine. Do you remember? You killed your dog.
Dr.: No, no, no! This is my greatest invention! Wait, wait, wait. What did you say? Don't say bad things about me.
A: Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. Fujihara.
Dr.: Oh, I'm so sad.
A: Well, anyway, let me know about your invention, please.
Dr.: All right. First, put this cap on your head. If you tell a lie, an X sign comes up from the top. Let's try. Mr. Toshima, tell a lie.
A: OK. Dr. Stu, Fujihara is 68 years old. ♪Ding Dong.♪
Dr.: Oh, no. How stupid you are. Why did you say my real age? Well, now you know that my lie detector works correctly.
A: Well, yes… OK, let's try next. Please ask me a question.
Dr.: All right. How old are you, Mr. Toshima?
A: I'm 4026 years old. ♪Boo!♪
Dr.: Ha ha ha. How silly you are. OK, I will expand my invention to the world.
A: Good luck! I'll read today's newspaper. What??? Hey, Dr.Fujihara. Look at this article.
Dr.: Really? 'Last week a new polygraph was invented in Japan.' Is it true? Oh, my God!!!  My invention is not the first but the second…
A: Dr. Fujihara, it's no use crying it. Let's change the way of thinking. You will be the worldwide inventor in the near future, I think.
Dr.: Hey, wait. 'The name of the inventor is Mr. Toshima…' It that you???

博士: みなさんこんにちは。私が藤原、あの藤原博士だ。しかし人は私のことをばか博士と呼ぶ。なんと嘆かわしいことだ!
アシスタント: お久しぶりです、ばか、いや藤原博士。
博士: やぁ、アシスタントの外嶋くん。元気だったかね?
アシスタント: はい、元気です。博士は?発明のほうはいかがですか?
博士: 知りたいかね?よし、これを見なさい。うそ発見機だ。
アシスタント: うそ発見機?どうせまたくだらない。思いだしますよ、前作のタイムマシーンを。忘れたんですか?愛犬を死なせてしまったことを!
博士: 違う違う! 今回は私の傑作なんだ。ちょ、ちょっと待て。今なんて言った?また私の悪口を言いおって。
アシスタント: あぁ、ごめんなさい、博士。
博士: あぁ、なんて嘆かわしい。
アシスタント: あぁ、またとにかく博士の発明について教えて下さい。
博士: よし、わかった。まず、この帽子を頭にかぶるのだ。もし、君がうそをついたら、帽子のてっぺんからXが出てくるのだ。よし、やってみよう。外嶋くん、うそを言ってみたまえ。
アシスタント: わかりました。ばか、藤原博士は68歳です。♪ピンポーン♪
博士: ハハハ。ばかだな、君は。私の本当の年齢を言ってどうするんだ。まぁ、これで君も、私のうそ発見機が正確だということがわかっただろ。
アシスタント: えぇ、まぁ。わかりました。次の実験をやってみましょう。私に質問して下さい。
博士: わかった。外嶋くん、君は何歳だね?
アシスタント: 私は4026歳です。♪ブーッ♪
博士: ハハハ、なんてばかな答えを。よし、私はこの発明を世界に広げるのだ!
アシスタント: まぁ頑張って下さい。私は新聞でも読みます。え、何だって?藤原博士、この記事を見てください。
博士: 何だって?「先週、日本で新しいうそ発見機が発明されました」本当か?なんということだ!! 私の発明は一番ではなかったのかぁ…。
アシスタント: 藤原博士、済んだことを悔やんでもしかたないですよ。考え方を変えましょう。 あなたはきっと近い将来、世界的な発明家になれますよ、…たぶんね.
博士: ちょ、ちょっと待て。「その発明家の名は外嶋氏で…。」君のことなのか???

Can Anyone Hear Me?(おーい、聞こえるかぁ!?)」森本 沙妃(勝山中学2年生)

(写真)森本 沙妃(勝山中学2年生)

 There was an old shrine in a village. One day a storm came and washed the shrine away.
The next day people looked for the shrine. But they only found a big hole. People looked into the hole. It was deep and dark. Someone called into it,“Hello? Can anyone hear me?”
No echo came back.
A boy threw a stone into the hole. He listened, but there was no sound.
People heard about the hole on TV. They came from far away to see it.
One day a man said to the people of the village, “I’ll build a new shrine for you. But you must give me the hole.” The people of the village agreed.
The man advertised the hole as a new dump.
People gave money to the man and dumped things into the hole. They dumped garbage, old love letters and pictures, and so on. Trucks came from many places. They dumped industrial waste, nuclear waste, and many other things.
A few years went by, but the hole did not fill up. People stopped worrying about garbage because they now had the perfect dump.  The sea and sky became clean and beautiful. The village became a city.
One day a young man was working on the roof of a new building. He heard a voice from the sky. “Hello? Can anyone hear me?” it said.
He looked up, but he only saw the blue sky. He started working again. Something fell down from the sky and hit the roof near him. But he did not notice.
It was the stone!

数年が過ぎ去りました。でも、その穴はいっぱいになりませんでした。人々はゴミのことを心配しなくなりました。なぜなら、今や完璧なゴミ捨て場を手に入れたのですから。  海と空は澄んで、美しくなりました。その村は都市になりました。

The Power of Songs (歌の力)」金内 まこ(勝山中学3年生)

(写真)金内 まこ(勝山中学3年生)

 I love singing. I sometimes sing to myself unconsciously. My parents also love singing, so I grew up with songs. Singing makes me happy. Songs always support me and give me courage.
When I was in elementary school, I was a member of the chorus group and I sang many kinds of songs. After I entered the junior high school, I started listening and singing musical songs. In particular, I love the Broadway musical "Wicked". There is a line in the musical I really like very much.
"Because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true!"
By the way I belonged to the kendo club at Katsuyama junior high school. You may think singing makes no sense for kendo. But it does a lot. It is very hot in summer and it is very cold in winter in the room we practice. So it is very hard to practice barefoot. The basics of kendo is training mind and body. It is also very important to save power in body. But it is really hard to do. That's why I sometimes lose my concentration and want to run away. At those times, I remember the line and sing it again and again. It makes me believe that I can do better. It reminds me that I will be happy if I win in the competition. Songs have power to make people happy. It is because songs always cheer us up even though we feel sad.
Japan is now trying to recover from sadness. Do you know that many people are making cheer songs and holding charity concerts for the victims of the Tohoku earthquake? Many artists are trying to cheer them up with the power of songs. So many of the victims get power from the songs and begin to realize their new dreams.
Songs have a big power like this. Please sing a song when you feel sad or when you feel down. Then let's try hard to make our dreams come true.
"Because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true!"


Where is Kiyomizu Temple?(清水寺どこ?)」山岸 明日香、柳瀬 優乃(寺戸中学1年生)

(写真)山岸 明日香、柳瀬 優乃(寺戸中学1年生)

A: Left? Right? I think I lost my way. Why am I always lost?
Excuse me. Good morning. I was looking for Kiyomizu Temple but I lost my way. Could you tell me how to get there? I'm sorry. I have no sense of direction.
B: Sure. Turn left from the next corner. Then go straight, turn right at the next corner, turn left, and then right.
A: Can you explain again, please?
B: It is bit complicated so I will take you there.
A: Thank you very much. Sorry, I have no sense of direction.
B: Here it is, after this corner it is on the right side. Oops, oh it should be left…Oops…
A: Excuse me. Are you sure…
B: There is no mistake but…
A: Well, I think it's OK. It's getting dark. Even we find it now it is probably closed. We are late. The problem is how I am going to go back home.
B: If the problem is going back home, I have a mobile navigator in my mobile phone.
A: What? You have a mobile navigator??? Then we could go to Kiyomizu Temple with this, right?
AB: Oh my God. How stupid!

A: 左かな? 右かな? 道に迷ったわ。どうして、いつも道に迷ってしまうのかな。
B: いいですよ。次の角を左に曲がって、それからまっすぐ行って、また右に曲がって、左に曲がって、右に曲がります。
A: もう一度説明してくれませんか。
B: 少し難しいので、一緒に行きましょうか。
A: ありがとうございます。すみませんが、私、方向音痴なんです。
B: ここからこの角を曲がれば右手にありますよ。おかしいな、左かな、おかしいな…。
A: すみません。あなた、もしかして…。
B: 間違ってはないんだけどなぁ…。
A: ああ、もういいですよ。暗くなってきましたし。今さら見つけても、もう閉まっているに違いありません。もう遅いです。問題はどのようにして家へ帰るかです。
B: それが問題なら大丈夫ですよ、私の携帯電話にはナビゲーターの機能がついています。
A: 何ですって? ナビゲーター機能???それじゃ、これで清水寺に行けたじゃないですか。
AB: なんてこった。なんて馬鹿なんだ。

Can Anyone Hear Me?(おーい、聞こえるかぁ!?)」坂下 菜々美(勝山中学2年生)

(写真)坂下 菜々美(勝山中学2年生)

 There was an old shrine in a village. One day a storm came and washed the shrine away.
The next day people looked for the shrine. But they only found a big hole. People looked into the hole. It was deep and dark. Someone called into it,“Hello? Can anyone hear me?”
No echo came back.
A boy threw a stone into the hole. He listened, but there was no sound.
People heard about the hole on TV. They came from far away to see it.
One day a man said to the people of the village, “I’ll build a new shrine for you. But you must give me the hole.” The people of the village agreed.
The man advertised the hole as a new dump.
People gave money to the man and dumped things into the hole. They dumped garbage, old love letters and pictures, and so on. Trucks came from many places. They dumped industrial waste, nuclear waste, and many other things.
A few years went by, but the hole did not fill up. People stopped worrying about garbage because they now had the perfect dump.  The sea and sky became clean and beautiful. The village became a city.
One day a young man was working on the roof of a new building. He heard a voice from the sky. “Hello? Can anyone hear me?” it said.
He looked up, but he only saw the blue sky. He started working again. Something fell down from the sky and hit the roof near him. But he did not notice.
It was the stone!

数年が過ぎ去りました。でも、その穴はいっぱいになりませんでした。人々はゴミのことを心配しなくなりました。なぜなら、今や完璧なゴミ捨て場を手に入れたのですから。  海と空は澄んで、美しくなりました。その村は都市になりました。

My Grandfather(私のおじいちゃん)」五十棲 直子(勝山中学3年生)

(写真)五十棲 直子(勝山中学3年生)

 Do you know the illness called dementia? In Japanese we call it NINCHISHO. Dementia is common in old people. It causes many disabilities like memory loss, mental and behavioral problems. People with dementia can't have a normal social life like we do.
Now my grandfather has this illness. When I heard this first, I couldn't believe it. After I heard this, I went to my grandfather's house with my family. It was shocking because he asked me "who are you?" He didn't recognize me. He couldn't remember anything. He couldn't even read letters. He often said he heard something or he saw something even though there was nothing. It was really sad to see him like that. My grandfather is now a different person. I can't talk with him anymore. It is really sad.
I didn't know about dementia, so I searched about it on the Internet. I learned about dementia's signs, causes and nursing. Then I found there is no proper treatment to cure this illness and I understood that I have to accept my grandfather as he is. It is still sad and shocking for me to see him like that but now it is less sad for me to talk with him.
Many people now try to stay away from these kinds of patients. But I believe we all have to understand and respect them as they are. Because these kinds of patients did not choose to be like that and they have no one who is going to take care of them except their family and relatives. I think we shouldn't forget this.


Speaking of the seasons…(季節と言えば…)」神野 しずく、番 尚美(勝山中学1年生)

(写真)神野 しずく、番 尚美(勝山中学1年生)

A: Hi, Naomi.
B: Hi, Shizuku.
A: Yeah, it's fall.
B: I love fall.
A: This summer was as hot as AKB fans !
B: Eww?? This fall is as cool as Keiko Kitagawa.
A: I think fall is as cool as Meisa Kuroki.
AB: Aww!!
A: What about spring ?
B: Ah, I like spring the best !
A: Why ?
B: Because spring is green. Green is good.
A: But…spring is green. Green is Kafun.
AB: Oh, my god !!
A: Thank god for winter !
B: Why ? Winter is as cold as old man's gags.
A: Winter has Christmas !
B: You mean presents !?
A: And my birthday is on New Years ! Rich !!
B: So much money ! I can buy anything.
A: But, you can't buy love.
B: Oh, I see. !

A: こんにちは、ナオミ。
B: こんにちは、しずく。
A: ほら、もう秋ね。
B: 私は秋が好きよ。
A: この夏はAKBファンと同じくらい熱かったわね!
B: ええ??この秋は北川景子と同じくらいにクールだったわ。
A: 私は、秋は黒木メイサと同じくらいにクールだったと思うけど。
AB: そうね!
A: 春はどう?
B: 私は春が一番好きだわ。
A: なぜ?
B: 春といったら緑だし、緑は素晴らしいじゃない。
A: けれど、春といったら緑だけど、緑といったら花粉!!
AB: うわあ~
A: 冬も素晴らしいでしょう!
B: なぜ?冬はオヤジギャグと同じくらい寒いわ。
A: 冬にはクリスマスがあるでしょう!
B: それってプレゼントってこと?
A: それに、私の誕生日は元旦よ。リッチだわ!
B: お金がたくさんね。なんでも買えちゃうわ。
A: でも愛を買うことはできないわ。
B: なるほど、そのとおりね!

Can Anyone Hear Me?(おーい、聞こえるかぁ!?)」豊岡 佳歩(寺戸中学2年生)

(写真)豊岡 佳歩(寺戸中学2年生)

 There was an old shrine in a village. One day a storm came and washed the shrine away.
The next day people looked for the shrine. But they only found a big hole. People looked into the hole. It was deep and dark. Someone called into it,“Hello? Can anyone hear me?”
No echo came back.
A boy threw a stone into the hole. He listened, but there was no sound.
People heard about the hole on TV. They came from far away to see it.
One day a man said to the people of the village, “I’ll build a new shrine for you. But you must give me the hole.” The people of the village agreed.
The man advertised the hole as a new dump.
People gave money to the man and dumped things into the hole. They dumped garbage, old love letters and pictures, and so on. Trucks came from many places. They dumped industrial waste, nuclear waste, and many other things.
A few years went by, but the hole did not fill up. People stopped worrying about garbage because they now had the perfect dump.  The sea and sky became clean and beautiful. The village became a city.
One day a young man was working on the roof of a new building. He heard a voice from the sky. “Hello? Can anyone hear me?” it said.
He looked up, but he only saw the blue sky. He started working again. Something fell down from the sky and hit the roof near him. But he did not notice.
It was the stone!

数年が過ぎ去りました。でも、その穴はいっぱいになりませんでした。人々はゴミのことを心配しなくなりました。なぜなら、今や完璧なゴミ捨て場を手に入れたのですから。  海と空は澄んで、美しくなりました。その村は都市になりました。

Friendship(人との出会い)」小島 千昌(勝山中学3年生)

(写真)小島 千昌(勝山中学3年生)

 Friendship is very important for human life, because we grow up supporting each other. However, I avoided doing that. I thought I didn't have to talk with the people who I didn't want to. But now, I have another thought about making new friends. One of my junior high school teachers told me an important thing. This changed my way of thinking about making new friends.

It was my first year at the junior high school. I was only talking with a few friends who I knew well. One day the teacher saw my behavior and said to me,"You're not honest. You have to make efforts to show what you are to others." I was shocked because I've never been told something like that before. On the other hand, I was glad to hear that. The teacher's words exactly pointed out my weak point and I felt he understood me well. After this, I decided to try to change myself.

I started to smile. It was not good to talk with others unfriendly. Smiling made others relaxed and I could develop friendships. But one day, the teacher said "you haven't grown up enough." I didn't know why. I thought, "I tried to change myself and I could make more friends than before. What should I do?"

I was thinking about it over and over ,so I decided to use a slogan "Open My Heart!"To open heart is a way to understand each other well. I noticed I was a member of a class and I needed to work together with my classmates. Then I felt I was changing. It was wonderful to make efforts to succeed in school events though I had troubles with others. I learned connecting with other people makes me happy. I thank my teacher for giving me a chance to change myself.

I learned a lot of things through meeting new people like discovering a new me, facing with people and teaching each other.

Now I am in the third grade and I am trying hard for the entrance exams. I believe that trying hard for the goal with my friends makes our friendship stronger. I want to keep in touch with all my friends, but I may not see some of them after entering high school. So friends I met at Katsuyama Junior High School are very important to me.

We can learn a lot from people we meet in our lives. Every person we meet is precious. Now, also I feel so thankful to meet all of you today.




よく考えた結果、私が掲げたスローガンは「Open My Heart!」です。お互い心を開いてこそ、より分かり合えると考えたのです。さらに、私は団体の一員として、みんなと協力する必要があるのです。私は団体の中で、共に行動するのが苦手だったのです。人とぶつかるのを恐れていたのです。それから、我武者羅に取り組んでみると、私の毎日は一変しました。体育大会や文化祭、ぶつかり合いながらもひとつのものを作り上げるすばらしさを強く感じました。私は、人と関わることで得られる幸せを知りました。こんなに自分を変えようと必死になったことはなかったし、そのきっかけとなった多くの言葉をくれた先生との出会いにとても感謝しています。




教育委員会 学校教育課 学校教育係
電話 075-931-1111(代表) ファクス 075-931-2555
Eメール gakko@city.muko.lg.jp

教育委員会 教育部 学校教育課
電話 075-931-1111(代表) ファクス 075-931-2555
教育委員会 教育部 学校教育課へのお問い合わせ



〒617‐8665 京都府向日市寺戸町中野20番地
〒617-8772 京都府向日市寺戸町小佃5番地の1
〒617-0006 京都府向日市上植野町久我田17番地の1
電話番号 075-931-1111(代表)
ファクス 075-922-6587(代表)
■開庁時間 午前8時30分から午後5時15分 
■閉庁日 土曜日、日曜日、祝日、年末年始