


氏名 中学校名 学年
島田 円香、水嶋あゆみ 寺戸 1年
藤田 笑后 西ノ岡 2年
田嶋 七海 勝山 3年
氏名 中学校名 学年
坂下絵美華、伊崎 友梨 勝山 1年
長澤 依子 寺戸 2年
上出 梨乃 西ノ岡 3年
氏名 中学校名 学年
酒井菜々子、山岸 由佳 寺戸 1年
杉谷 洋輔 西ノ岡 2年
番 尚美 勝山 3年



Souvenirs from Tokyo(東京からのお土産)」島田 円香、水嶋あゆみ(寺戸中学1年生)

(写真)島田 円香、水嶋あゆみ(寺戸中学1年生)

M: Hi, Ayumi. Did you enjoy your trip to Tokyo
A: Yes, I did.
M: Did you go to your friend’s house?
A: No, but we visited the SKY TREE together.
M: The SKY TREE? What’s that?
A: It’s a very popular place in Tokyo.
M:Did you buy anything for your family or friends as a souvenir?
A:Yes, of course. I bought a lot of cakes.
M:Could you give me some?
A:Sure, but I have many kinds of cakes.
Here they are. What cakes do you like?
M:I like sky tree one, Tokyo tower one. And Disney Land one.
A:Stop. You can’t get them all.
M: やあ、アユミ。東京への旅行は楽しかった?
A: はい、楽しかったよ。
M: 友達の家には行ったの?
A: いや、だけど、いっしょにスカイツリーに行ったんだ。
M: スカイツリー? それは何??
A: 東京でとても有名なものだよ。
M: 友達とか家族に何かお土産買ったの?
A: もちろん。いっぱいお菓子を買ったよ。
M: 私にももらえる?
A: いいよ。けど、いろんな種類があるからね。
M: このスカイツリーのでしょ、東京タワーのでしょ、それからディズニーランドのも。
A: 待って、待ってよ。全部はあげられないよ。

Grandma Baba and Her Friends on a Sleigh(そりにのった ばばばあちゃんと 友達)」藤田 笑后(西ノ岡中学2年生)

(写真)藤田 笑后(西ノ岡中学2年生)


Important things outside of textbooks (教科書にない大切なこと)」田嶋 七海(勝山中学3年生)

(写真)田嶋 七海(勝山中学3年生)

 Important things are not only in text books but also outside of textbooks. I've learned about it 2 years ago. Have you ever heard of Chuuk ? It's an island in the Pacific Ocean. During World War 2, Japan used it as a base.
 I'm a member of Girls Scout and we received an invitation from National Institution for Youth Education for cultural exchange.
 At first I didn't want to go because it was not a familiar place and it was said to have a lot of earthquakes. But as my mother told me, “It'll be a good experience for you and Japan has more earthquakes.” So I applied for it and several days later, I was accepted.
 In spite of my worries, I had a good time and made many Japanese and foreigner friends. I also learned a lot about the history between Chuuk and Japan.
 About 120 years ago, Mori Shoben went to Chuuk. This is the beginning of the relationship between Chuuk and Japan. Shoven was from Kochi. He married a Chuuk woman and had six boys and five girls. And now his descendants are about 3000 to 4000. He is respected by his descendants.
 On the other hand, Japan has left painful memories to the islanders. The high school I visited had a classroom with a hole on the ceiling, and bumpy walls made in the battles while Japan occupied Chuuk during the war. The islanders use some Japanese words such as "Sensei (teacher)" "Denki (lights)" "Kyuuri(cucumber)" and more. The most interesting Japanese word is "Kikkoman". It means soy sauce in Chuuk.
Although Japan gave sad memories to the people in Chuuk, I was impressed that they welcomed us with big smiles. They were always smiling to us. I've learned a lot about Chuuk, especially from their kindness and smiles. The feeling was so warm and friendly that it cannot be easily explained in words. After this experience, I believe if you try to approach people with a gentle and sincere heart, they can really feel it and their friendship can be developed. I want to do the same to the people around me.


Giving Directions(道案内)」坂下絵美華、伊崎 友梨(勝山中学1年生)

(写真)坂下絵美華、伊崎 友梨(勝山中学1年生)

A: Excuse me, where's the Katsuyama hospital?
B: Oh, it's on Muko street.
A: Is that far from here? Do I take the bus?
B: Don't worry, it's near! Turn right at the pet shop and go straight.
A: That pet shop on the corner?
B: Right! Then walk about five minutes.
A: Is the Katsuyama hospital on the left or the right?
B: On the left, next to the Chinese restaurant.
A: Thank you. So turn left at the pet shop and turn right at the Chineserestaurant, right?
B: No, no!! Turn right at the pet shop and go straight.
A: Ummm... And then turn left or right at the corner?
B: Ah! OK!! I'll take you there!!
A: Yeah!! Thank you so much!!
A: すみません、勝山病院はどこですか?
B: あぁ、それなら向日通りにありますよ。
A: ここから遠いですか?バスに乗る必要はありますか。
B: 心配ないですよ、近くです。ペットショップで右に曲がって、まっすぐ進んでください。
A: あの角のペットショップ?
B: そうです! それから約5分歩いて。
A: 勝山病院は左側ですか、それとも右側ですか。
B: 左側で、中華料理店のとなりです。
A: ありがとう。つまりペットショップで左に曲がって、それから中華料理店で右に曲がった らいいの?
B: ちがう、ちがう! ペットショップで右に曲がって、まっすぐ進むの!
A: うーん。それから角を左だっけ? それとも右?
B: あー!! いいわ! 私がつれていく!!
A: やった! ありがとう!

Red Demon and Blue Demon(赤おにと青おに)」長澤 依子(寺戸中学2年生)

(写真)長澤 依子(寺戸中学2年生)


Thank You for The Dream(夢をありがとう)」上出 梨乃(西ノ岡中学3年生)

(写真)上出 梨乃(西ノ岡中学3年生)

 I once heard this saying : to make your dream come true, you should keep making efforts, and never give up. I agree with this idea. I believe that making efforts without giving up is the only way to realize your dream. Do you have a dream? I do. My dream is to be an actress. An actress who inspires people to dream. An actress who can impress and convey emotion to people.
What made me decide to be an actress was the play which I took a role in at the kindergarten festival. I was given a role as an angel. Although I had only a few lines, the role was very important, because the angel had to appear at the right time during the play. As the day of the time approached, I became less worried about my performance, but still felt tense.
But when the day came at last, I felt twice as tense as before. When I appeared on the stage, the whole audience looked at me. As I said my lines with courage, everyone there began to smile. It gave me goose-bumps. I had never had such a feeling before.
After the play, I was praised by my homeroom teacher and my parents. “You’ve really grown up.” they said. Thanks to that experience. I realized the joy of expression.
I have something I want to communicate to people as an actress. That is the importance of thanking other people. We have to support one another to live. Let me take my life for example. I get a lot of help from my mother. When I wake up in the morning, breakfast is ready for me. When I return home from school, the house is clean and dinner is ready. Without her, life would be hard. School life would be boring without my friends and teachers. I thank them for supporting me.
When you thank the people around you, they will help you and lift your spirits. They give us energy and more courage to do something. Our earth will be a good place to live on if more people all over the world express more thanks to each other. When you get back home today, say to your family, “Thank you for what you do for me.” I am sure the world around you will change for the better.

 劇のあと、担任の先生と両親が私をほめてくれました。「本当に成長したね」と彼らは言いました。その経験のおかげで、私は表現することの喜びを知りました。 私には女優として人々に伝えたいことがあります。それは、他の人々に感謝することの大切さです。私たちは生きるためにお互いに支え合わなければなりません。私の生活でたとえてみます。私は多くを母の助けに頼っています。朝起きると朝食が用意されています。学校から帰ると家は掃除してあり、夕食が用意されています。母なしでは生活は大変でしょう。同時に友だちや先生なしでは、学校生活はとても退屈でしょう。私の支えになってくれて、本当に彼らに感謝です。

Gekikara Foods(激辛料理)」酒井菜々子、山岸 由佳 (寺戸中学1年生)

(写真)酒井菜々子、山岸 由佳 (寺戸中学1年生)

A: Here we are. This is Muko city Gekikara arcade.
B: It’s very crowded.
A: Yes. It’s usually like this. Come this way. Let’s have Gekikara food.
B: What are they doing in the kitchen?
Are they making Gekikara crepe?

A: No, they’re not. They are making Gekikara Okonomiyaki.
Gekikara Okonomiyakis are popular in Muko city here.
And this is one of the Gekikara restaurants.

B: Oh, great. Let’s try to eat.
A: Two Okonomiyaki, please.
B: Ah, this is too hot!
A: Water, water please.
B: Oh, Finally we finished.
A: OK! Let’s go to the next restaurant.
B: What?? Are you kidding?
A: さあ、着いたぞ。ここが向日市の激辛商店街だ。
B: とても混んでるね。
A; うん。いつもこんな感じだよ。こっちに行こう。激辛料理を食べようよ。
B: 台所で彼らは何をしているの。激辛クレープ作っているの?
A: いや、違うよ。彼らは激辛のお好み焼きを作っているの。
B: すごいね。食べてみようよ。
A: お好み焼きを2つください。
B: あー。これは辛い。
A: 水、水をください。
B: やっと食べ終わったぞ。
A: OK。じゃあ次のレストランに行こうよ。
B: なんだって?冗談でしょ?

Red Demon and Blue Demon(赤おにと青おに)」杉谷 洋輔(西ノ岡中学2年生)

(写真)杉谷 洋輔(西ノ岡中学2年生)


KYOTO TIME-SLIP(京都タイムスリップ)」番 尚美(勝山中学3年生)

(写真)番 尚美(勝山中学3年生)

 Sakura, Samurai, and Sushi say Japan to many foreigners. But what does Kyoto say to me? In junior high, Kyoto says History, which says Tests. I've tried remembering all the names and dates but actually, history's become a joke to me. I like to say, “Since I don't have Doraemon's time-slip, why should I care about the past?”
Still, I have fond memories of my past. In kindergarten, I often went to a park with lots of sakura. And in elementary school, my class got lost in Kyoto. No sakura, no samurai, and no sushi, but there was a Starbuck's nearby.
Now in junior high, I'm into Kyoto's wagashi. I can walk the Philosopher's Path for yatsuhashi. I'll climb Daimonji for sasa-no-tsuyu, and for ayugashi, I would swim the Katsura River. I wonder what Doraemon would do for a Kyoto dorayaki?
This year, instead of Doraemon, I've been watching the Taiga Drama, Yae no Sakura. It's got me thinking Kyoto is more than a city of sakura, samurai, and sushi. It's the people. Take Yae Yamamoto, the samurai girl in the drama from Fukushima. She lost everything, but did not give up. She came to Kyoto and wrote its first English guidebook, set up a school, and became a nurse and a tea master. She has given Kyoto so much.
A saying in the Taiga Drama is, “the world is revolving.” Revolving isn't just going forward, it is a cycle, with a center. Can a city be the center, like a magnet, connecting the past to the present to the future?
Recently, Kyoto is home to people relocating from Fukushima after the nuclear crisis. They've come to play outside, make new friends, and start new, just like Yae Yamamoto. You can find sakura trees, samurai castles, and delicious food in lots of places in Japan, but what I think makes Kyoto special are its people. In such a fine city, we don't need to take Doraemon's time-slip to care about its past and future. I care, and I want to give to Kyoto's future.

 桜、侍、寿司が日本を表すと外国人はよく言う。では、京都は私にとって何を意味するだろう? 中学での京都とは歴史を指し、それはテストへと繋がる。名前や日付けをどれだけ見つめても覚えようとしても、実際には私には何の意味もないように思える。「ドラえもんのタイムマシンは無いわけだし過去を知る必要はないやん」が私の口癖だった。

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教育委員会 教育部 学校教育課へのお問い合わせ



〒617‐8665 京都府向日市寺戸町中野20番地
〒617-8772 京都府向日市寺戸町小佃5番地の1
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■閉庁日 土曜日、日曜日、祝日、年末年始